Whoever finds Jesus, finds life.
Everyone has sinned. (Romans 3:23)
Sin separates us from God and brings death to our heart, life, and eternity. (Romans 6:23)
God knew we were going to sin, so HE sent Jesus to experience death in our place out of his love for us. (Romans 5:8)
When you accept Jesus Christ as your Savior by confessing him as Lord of our life, you are saved. (Romans 10:9-10)
Because of Jesus, you are forgiven. (1 John 1:9)
Because of Jesus, you are brand New. (2 Corinthians 5:17)
Because of Jesus, you have eternal life. (1 John 5:11-12)
If you have accepted Jesus, we want to help you begin to walk with Him. Welcome to being BRAND NEW, a short and simple first step in beginning your new walk with Christ.
We want to encourage you to take these 7 steps over the course of this next week.
7 steps to help you get started:
Step 1 - Watch one video per day.
Step 2 - Read through the short lesson guide.
Step 3 - Take time to memorize the scripture each day.
Step 4 - Begin to apply what you are learning.
Step 5 - Sign up for THE JOURNEY and know your next steps to take including water baptism.
Step 6 - Make attending weekly gatherings at The Father’s House a priority.
Step 7 - Contact us 270.684.8274 or write us here to set up a meeting with one of our pastors.
We would love to pray with you, serve you, and help you grow deeper in your walk with Jesus.
Welcome to the BRAND New You.
Day #1 - Welcome to the new YOU! You’re brand new.
Congratulations on accepting Jesus as your Savior. Watch this short video from Pastor Mike Cisneros.
Next - Click the button below to read a few verses from the Bible to help you better understand the salvation you have experienced through Jesus Christ.
Day #2 - You are saved and how you know.
After deciding to follow Jesus, doubts can begin to creep into your mind. “Am I really saved?” or “Did Jesus really forgive me?” “Was that just my emotions?”
In this video, Pastor Mike will show you how to stand on the Word of God and truly know you’re in right standing with God.
Day #3 - You can ask for help. Prayer: what is it?
God is for you! He wants to help you in every single area of your life. In this video, Pastor Daryl explains what prayer is and how to pray as we look at the words of Jesus to remind you that God not only hears you when you pray, He actually steps in and moves on your behalf.
Day #4 - You have victory in Jesus over temptation.
Through the finished work on the Cross, you now have victory over temptation and the things that you used to give into. In this video Pastor Mike explains how you will discover how God helps you stay away from temptation and live a victorious life.
Day #5 - You can be forgiven when you mess up and make a mistake.
God empowers you to live victoriously in Jesus, however, what do you do when you mess up? Today, Pastor Daryl is going to help you discover the steps to take in those moments when you drop the ball, go too far, make a bad decision, and do something you regret.
Day #6 - You have a Helper.
One of the best things about following Jesus is that we aren’t alone to figure out everything. God is our guide, and He provides a Helper for you and me. In this final video, you will see the joy that comes in trusting God and following His lead and guidance everyday.