I'm New
Plan a Visit to the Church
We would love to see you and your family here with us on a Sunday Morning! So let’s help plan a visit to TFH! Visiting a New Church can be scary for the first time. So lets answer all the questions that you might have about the church before your first visit!
We want to get Connected with YOU!
Please click the link bellow to fill out a connection card so we can get connected with you! Someone on TFH Staff will reach out to you to get you connected with the Church. Life is too difficult to do it alone, so lets do it together!
First Steps at TFH
Everyone is on a Journey at TFH! So what are your next steps in Life? The Journey Class? Being Baptized? Serving? We want to help find your next steps. Everyone has a next step at TFH from Freedom Groups to Serving on a team. The First Step is The Journey Class. In this class you will hear from Leadership about the church and the vision, and this will be your chance to ask us questions too! Every other Month on the First Sunday of the month during Sunday Morning Service.
New Believer
Recently decided to Follow Jesus? What an amazing choice! We want to help you grow in your faith! The Link below will take you to resources to help you along your journey with Christ!